Sunday, April 26, 2009

The path ahead....

Each person's path through this life is unique and our paths have a funny way of influencing the paths of all those we come in contact with. I can look back at my life and see where my path was altered by a new idea or person.

I now see a path ahead that is both exciting and frightening. I have read a few other blogs that documented their entire transition to a more sustainable and simple existence and they were very helpful in my final decisions. So i write this to possibly help others avoid my mistakes and hopefully show it is possible.

I have many ideas about what i want to do, some are conflicting, some are pipe-dreams that will only ever happen if a bag-o-money falls off an armored car at my feet, but i will do my best to document the planning process and possibly get some good feedback along the way to a simpler life.

But why? Why give up all the convenience of living in the city? Working a 9-5 that pays well? The answer isn't really all that simple. I am not a survival nut case that wants a fortified bunker, and i am not a tree-hugin'-hippie, I just want something simpler, someplace to call my own, that i built with my own two hands. Eat food that i raised outside my front door, drink water that hasn't been treated and contaminated with poisons, and sleep in peace every night without worrying about deadlines, schedules, bills or the police state deciding that i am an undesirable.

My writing skills are a bit rusty, and i am the king of run-on sentences, hopefully all will bear with me.

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